The slow demise of Brickskeller was sad to witness. The place was full of so many fond memories. I’m sure many of you remember back when you could smoke in bars … that place was pretty nasty, but it had true character. You would spend hours sitting around the table playing a game of order the most obscure beer (and make sure you have a back-up because they usually didn’t have your first choice).
I loved that place. Then the beer renaissance arrived in D.C. with places like Pizzeria Paradiso, ChurchKey and you could start getting great beer on tap at almost every restaurant in the city. The novelty of Brickskeller being the only place to get that hard-to-find beer was wearing thin.
I miss Brickskeller and I miss the times I spent there with friends. True, Bier Baron is there and it’s almost the same place, but it just doesn’t have that Brickskeller feel. Sadly, that’s gone.
Check out the advertisement below from 1957, the year Brickskeller opened. This was published in the Washington Post on October 16th, 1957, nine days after their opening.