What an incredible photo. Thanks to Shorpy for posting this one.

Source: Shorpy
The building above is the old People’s Drug Store at 7th and K St. NW (where it intersects Mass. Ave.) and below is another great photo of the building from the Library of Congress.

Source: Library of Congress
… and this is a photo of the interior of the store.

Source: Library of Congress
Here’s the intersection of 7th and Massachusetts St. NW today. Sadly, the beautiful building is long gone.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&ll=38.902439,-77.021906&spn=0.01067,0.019612&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=38.902333,-77.02191&panoid=oq5J8Xn1gLUIYfJTeADM-w&cbp=12,177.37,,0,0.69&source=embed&output=svembed]