Uncovering the Mysteries Surrounding Weller’s Pharmacy on Capitol Hill

Join us on a journey to uncover the mysteries of Weller's Pharmacy on Capitol Hill. Learn about the long-serving druggist who operated the business for decades and the surprising link to the Knights Templar.

Here’s a great photo from Shorpy. This is the inside of Weller’s Pharmacy, located at 755 8th St. SE. Franklin Pierce Weller was a long serving druggist on Capitol Hill, starting in the 1890s, operating his business for several decades.

Inside Weller's Pharmacy
Inside Weller’s Pharmacy in 1915

Below is his obituary From the Washington Post on March 28th, 1933.

Funeral services for Franklin Pierce Weller, pioneer Washington druggist, who died Sunday night at the residence of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hynson, 3435 Thirty-fourth place, will be held today at 2:30 p. m. at the Hynson home. Interment will be in Congressional Cemetery.

Honorable pallbearers are Gratz E. Dunkum, Eugene E. Thompson, Albert W. Bright, Francis H. Criswell, Paul Pearson and Philip G. Affleck.

Mr. Weller, 78, was born in Thurmont, Frederick County, Md., December 21, 1854, of Revolutionary ancestry. He came to Washington 70 years ago. During the early eighties he served as a pharmacist in the United States Navy on board the U. S. S. Galena. Upon his retirement from the Navy he engaged in private practice and opened a drug store in Washington at Eight and I streets southeast which has been a landmark for a generation. He retired from business last October.

Seal of the Knights Templar
Seal of the Knights Templar

He served in the hospital corps of the District National Guard for 27 years. He was a member of the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, of the De Molay Commandery, Knights Templar, and St. John’s Lodge, F. A. A. M.

He married Margaret Francis Young, who died three years ago. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Hynson.

Um … Knights Templar? Did Weller’s Pharmacy hide the Holy Grail?

U.S.S. Galena in 1862 (Shorpy)
U.S.S. Galena in 1862 (Shorpy)

Also, I sent GoDCer Jacqueline Drayer down to the wrong address to take a contemporary photo (sorry about that). The Post reports had the wrong address. I’ll confirm with Google Street View next time. I still wanted to share a cool photo she took of the neighboring property.

Front door of 753 8th St. SE (via @jackie_bird)
Front door of 753 8th St. SE (via @jackie_bird)

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.