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Posted In 1940s

Lower Prince St. Alexandria, Virginia
Exploring Alexandria, Virginia Through Vintage Photos From September 23rd, 1940
Take a look back in time and explore Alexandria, Virginia through vintage photos taken on September 23rd, 1940. Enjoy a glimpse of the past captured through Charles W. Cushman's Photograph Collection.
Main Navy and Munitions Buildings in 1942
Temporary Structures Reshape Washington's Monumental Core
Take a rare glimpse of the massive Navy and Munitions Buildings erected on the Mall in 1918. See how massive they were from the Washington Monument in 1942 with this incredible vantage point.
Schott's Alley on Capitol Hill in 1941
What was alley living like near Capitol Hill? This photo shows Schott's Alley, razed in the 1940s to make way for the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
Three Houses for Sale the Day of Pearl Harbor
These three houses were advertised for sale in the Washington Post on December 7th, 1941. Help us identify the 565-acre estate in Warrenton, Virginia.
Revisiting Streetcar Life in Washington, DC: A Look Back at Life in 1943
What was it like riding the streetcars of Washington on the 1940s? Take a look at this series of great old photos.
What Did National Airport Look Like in 1941?
Washington's new airport opened for business in June 1941. This series of detailed photos shows what flying was like 80 years ago, more glamorous, quaint, and dressed up.
Hoover Field: Before the Pentagon and National Airport
There used to be an airport where the Pentagon stands today. Washington-Hoover Airport operated from 1933 to 1941, replaced by National Airport.
Take a Look at the Magazine Rack at National Airport in 1941
Take a look at a cool old photo of the magazine rack at National Airport when it opened in 1941. Plus, explore some more old photos and read three great stories from the airport!
Solving the Mystery: Where Was This 1947 Street Scene in Washington, DC?
We discovered a 1947 street scene in Washington, DC and set out to solve the mystery of where it was. We found the answer, and you can too by reading our blog post!
Whitehurst Freeway / Rock Creek & Potomac Parkway, Washington, District of Columbia, DC
The Whitehurst Freeway: Diverting Traffic Around Georgetown Since 1949
The Whitehurst Freeway has been diverting traffic around Georgetown since 1949. Learn more about the history of this elevated expressway, its role in the city's infrastructure, and the battles over freeways in the late 1960s.

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