Posted In 1930s

Washington, D.C., circa 1931. "Fifteenth Street at Pennsylvania Avenue." Note the traffic lights, which made their D.C. debut in 1926, as well as the traffic-cop gazebo at center ("NO LEFT TURN") and streetcar switch tower to its left. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative.
A Look Back at 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Circa 1931
Take a look back at 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. circa 1931. See the traffic lights, traffic-cop gazebo, and streetcar switch tower in this amazing old photo. Source: Shorpy.
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A Look Back in Time – President Herbert Hoover with Boys and Girls at the White House
Take a look back in time with this cool old photo showing President Herbert Hoover with a large group of boys and girls at the White House. Source: Shorpy.
Walter Johnson and his son Eddie in 1938
Exploring Walter Johnson's Post-Baseball Life Through Hunting Dogs
Dive into the post-baseball life of Washington hero and Major League Baseball Hall of Famer, Walter Johnson, through his involvement with hunting dogs. Learn where his 130-acre farm near Germantown was located and more!
Aerial view of Pennsylvania Avenue looking west, showing Federal Triangle and the National Mall. (2006)
Federal Triangle History: The Story Behind A Name
The history behind the Federal Triangle moniker reveals an intriguing story intertwined with the urban evolution of Washington D.C. in the early 1900s.
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1939 Tourist Footage of Washington
Check out this great film footage of Washington, D.C. from back in 1939.
Aerial view of U.S. Capitol and crowd on the grounds of the east front of the U.S. Capitol, during the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, March 4, 1933
A Look Back: Comparing FDR, Eisenhower, and Obama Inauguration Photos
Take a look back at history with photos of historic inaugurations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Barack Obama. See how the ceremonies have changed over the years!
Washington tenements, Nov. 1935.
The Tenement Housing of Washington D.C. Alleys
Take a look back at what Washington D.C. alleys used to look like when they were filled with tenement housing. Learn more about this piece of history here!
February 1930. Washington, D.C. "Army Airship C-41 lands on Mall and airmen, led by Brigadier General William J. Flood of the 19th Airship Company, place wreath at Lincoln Memorial, honoring Lincoln's Birthday."
Honoring Abe Lincoln: A Look at the 1930 Military C-41 Blimp at the Lincoln Memorial
Check out this cool image from 1930 of a military C-41 blimp floating near the Lincoln Memorial in honor of Abe Lincoln's birthday. Also, you can check out film footage of this at Critical Past.
VIEW OF WASHINGTON MONUMENT FROM THE VICINITY OF CAPITAL OVERLOOK, 1932. - George Washington Memorial Parkway, Along Potomac River from McLean to Mount Vernon, VA, Mount Vernon, Fairfax County, VA
A View of the Washington Monument From the George Washington Memorial Parkway
Take a look at this amazing view of the Washington Monument from the George Washington Memorial Parkway. What do you think? Check out for more!
Looking west on G Street NW from 13th Street showing the commercial buildings on the northwest corner of the intersection including the Church of the Epiphany.
This is What the Metro Center Area Looked Like in 1930
Take a look back in time at this photo of the Metro Center area in Washington, D.C. in 1930. Don't miss the Wilkins Coffee sign and a photo of Robert DeNiro's doppelganger from the same era.

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Ghosts of DC stories.