Posted In 1920s

Blair House
A Look Back at Blair House, Before It Became Government Property
Take a look back at Blair House, before it became government property in 1942. See a photo of the residence taken around 1918, when it was still a private home. Source: Library of Congress.
History Behind Lion Statues in House of Cards Opening Credits
What are the lions in the House of Cards credits? They're sitting at the Ulysses Grant Memorial by the Capitol Reflecting Pool.
Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 4.00
Discovering a Lost Ford Motor Company Film from 1922
Uncover this lost Ford Motor Company film from 1922 recently discovered in the National Archives. Watch now and explore the history of this iconic American company!
1921 map of Del Ray
An Amazing Look at Del Ray in 1921 and Today
Take a look at an amazing map of Del Ray north of Alexandria from 1921 and compare it to a map of the same area today. See how much has changed!
Nubby Nuckols headlines
Uncovering the Life and Death of Nubby Nuckols, the 1930s D.C. Underlord
Discover the story of Nubby Nuckols, the 1930s D.C. underworld king. We look into his criminal career, his rise to prominence, and his untimely death.
3459 Macomb St. NW
A Look Back at the 1925 Ad for a Beautiful Home in Washington, DC
Take a look back at the 1925 ad for a beautiful home in Washington, DC. See how much it's worth today and learn more about the current residents. #DC #RealEstate #History
Chevy Chase ad in 1922
Exploring the History of Chevy Chase Through an Advertisement From 1922
Explore the history of Chevy Chase with this advertisement from 1922. Learn more about this Washington DC neighborhood from the past. #ChevyChase #History #WashingtonDC
Knickerbocker Theater disaster
The Knickerbocker Theater Disaster: Inside Insights on DC's Deadliest Disaster
Learn about the Knickerbocker Theater Disaster, the deadliest disaster to ever hit Washington DC. Read inside insights and see how this tragedy unfolded from eyewitness accounts and official reports.
Aftermath of the McCrory disaster, a virtually forgotten chapter in the history of Washington, D.C.: At 1:32 p.m. on Nov. 21, 1929, a boiler in the basement of the McCrory five-and-dime store at 416 Seventh Street NW exploded, demolishing the ground floor and igniting a fire in a deafening blast whose final toll was six dead and dozens injured. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative.
Six Killed at McCrory's on 7th Street in 1929's Horrific Explosion
Discover the forgotten tragedy of the McCrory disaster in D.C. history. Six died and dozens were injured in a devastating boiler explosion in 1929.
1925 Washington Senators
Great Film Footage of 1925 World Series
Here’s a cool find from YouTube. The Senators lost the World Series to the Pirates, after having won the year before. Can you tell Ghosts of DC is getting excited for the 2014 baseball season?

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Ghosts of DC stories.