Posted In 1860s

1861 Civil War map of Virginia
Exploring the 1861 Civil War Map of Arlington by Benjamin Church
Explore the 1861 Civil War map of Arlington, a reconnaissance map created by Benjamin Church. View the unusual orientation of the map, with north being down and to the right. Click here to view a larger version and study it.
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A Look Back at Alexander Gardner's Photographic Gallery in 1863
Take a look back in time to 1863 and explore Alexander Gardner's Photographic Gallery in Washington, D.C. with this amazing old photo. Click the image for a detailed version.
1864 map of the Washington Aqueduct
Exploring the Washington Aqueduct with a Civil War-Era Map
Check out this amazing Civil War-era map of the Washington Aqueduct. See how the Aqueduct and the C&O Canal looked in 1864. Source: Library of Congress.
Department of Treasury - November 11th, 1862
A Photo Series Showing the Construction of the Treasury Building in the 1860s
Take a look back at the history of the Treasury Building in Washington, D.C. with this series of photos showing its construction in the 1860s. Explore the progress and final result of the building's design and architecture.
Department of Treasury in 1863
The Treasury Building As It Looked During the Civil War
Stunning old image of the Treasury building during the Civil War.
View of the Smithsonian Institution Building looking east up B Street (Independence Ave) towards the U.S. Capitol. Grounds are landscaped following a plan laid out by Andrew Jackson Downing, with the Castle nestled among trees. Visible amidst the trees is the Magnetic Observatory, built in 1853. People stand along the fence installed along the sidewalk on B Street In this image, the central roof of the Castle is intact and the small towers have the caps on them. In January of 1865, a fire destroyed the central roof and the caps on the towers, so this photograph had to have been taken prior to January 1865 and is most likely April 1863. The Capitol dome, seen in the distance, is not yet completed
The Smithsonian Castle in its Original Splendor: A View of DC's Iconic Building in 1863
Take a step back in time and explore a Civil War-era photo of Independence Ave. This incredible photo showcases the Smithsonian Institution Building and the U.S. Capitol dome, taken before the 1865 fire. Source: Smithsonian Archives.
Maine Ave. SW 1865
A Look at Maine Ave. SW in 1865, Right Around the Time of President Lincoln's Assassination
This photograph was taken in April 1865, right around the time of President Lincoln's assassination. You can see the unpaved roads of Maine Ave, SW and the Capitol Building in the background. Compare this to the view today via Google Street View!
The assassination of President Lincoln: at Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C., April 14th, 1865
The Program for April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theater - The Night President Lincoln Was Assassinated
Take a look at the program from April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theater - the night President Lincoln was assassinated. You can see the characters, actors and the ticket prices for the show. Incredible to think of what that audience experienced that night.
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Sketches of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
The Library of Congress has a large collection of graphic arts created over the course of two centuries. They depict famous locations and subjects. There are a large number dedicated to capturing the assassination and aftermath of President Lincoln. Below are an assortment, with descriptions. The text below this work says, “President Lincoln’s Last Reception, Respectfully Dedicated to the People of the United States.” Abraham Lincoln’s last reception Source: Library of Congress...
Celebrating the 152nd Anniversary of the D.C. Emancipation Act
This week marks the 152nd anniversary of the D.C. Emancipation Act, which ended slavery in the District of Columbia and ultimately freed almost 3,000 slaves in Washington. Celebrate with a parade and other events, and read the transcript of the bill here.

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Ghosts of DC stories.