Posted In Lost History

The Raleigh Hotel: A Glimpse into the Past of 12th and Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Take a journey back in time with this amazing photo of the long-lost Raleigh Hotel, formerly located at 12th and Pennsylvania Ave. NW. Learn the history of this iconic structure and its tragic removal.
Architectural drawing for alterations to the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. West elevation Summary
1877 Drawing of Proposed Capitol Modifications
Proposed renovations of the Capitol Building from the 1870s. Achitectural drawing for alterations to the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. West elevation.
Proposed highway in Arlington
Proposed Southside Freeway in Arlington: What Could Have Been
This post explores the proposed Southside Freeway in Arlington which never came to be. Learn about the 1960 proposal, the public opinion, and why the highway never came to fruition in this post.
Uncovering the Sad Truth: Slave Pens Were Everywhere in Washington in the 1860s
Uncovering the sad truth of the past, Slave Pens existed in and around all of Washington in the 1860s. This photo shows one of those in Alexandria during the 1860s. Learn more at the Library of Congress.
A crowd lines up for the movie, "Love Letters," starrring Jennifer Jones and Joseph Cotton, at the Republic Theatre on the north side of the 1300 block of U Street, 1945-1946.
Remembering the Republic Theatre at 13th and U St.
Take a look back at the Republic Theatre on the north side of the 1300 block of U St. Opened in 1921, it was unfortunately demolished in 1976 to make way for the new Metro. See a photo of the theater from 1945-46!
Digital asset from General Photograph Collection, Historical Society of Washington, DC
Exploring D.C.'s German Beer Hall History at Dietz's Rathskeller
Before World War I, Dietz's Rathskeller was a popular beer joint in the heart of D.C. Learn about its history, explore the area today, and be amazed at what this spot has to offer!
List of requirements for a municipal baseball stadium lease, including steps for building a stadium, the baseball club's rental obligations, the rights of the ball club, and the rights of the city.
Uncovering the Lease Requirements for a New Baseball Stadium in D.C.
Learn about the lease requirements for a new baseball stadium in D.C., as revealed in a document from the 1950s. Follow the history of the Washington Senators and the legacy of Clark Griffith in this fascinating story.
Old State Department Building, corner 15 Street and Pennsylvania Avenue - photo taken during the Civil War
A Closer Look at the Old State Department Building During the Civil War
Get a better look at the Old State Department Building during the Civil War with this amazing photo. Click on it for some amazing details and find out why there are a large number of wooden boxes at the main entrance to the building.
Old State Department Building in 1857
This is the Oldest Known Photo of the U.S. Department of State
See the oldest known photo of the U.S. Department of State, taken in 1857. Learn more about the old State Department building before it was located in Foggy Bottom and even before it was located in the State, War, and Navy Building next to the White House.
At the bar at Warwick's Cafe, 13th St., NW near Pennsylvania Ave., 1894
Exploring the Lost History of Warwick's Saloon at 13th and Penn
Join us as we explore the lost history of Warwick's Saloon, formerly located at 13th and Penn in Washington, DC. We'll take a look at the bar, the billiard room, and the interesting story of a Secret Service raid.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.