Long gone are the days of the German beer hall in D.C., though some would argue that Brickskeller (ahem, Bier Baron) remains as one of the better ones. Well, it was great back in the day when there was little to no beer scene in the city a decade or two ago, but now, you’re almost always about 100 yards from a great beer joint.
Before World War I, a very popular bar was Dietz’s Rathskeller at 511 7th St. NW, which was housed in the basement of the German-American Fire Insurance Building from 1912 to 1918.

Source: Discover DC History
The place was run by Charles Dietz, the guy on the left in the above photo and presumably the gentleman to his right was his son, Charles Jr. The elder Dietz died in September, 1929, just before the Great Depression while living at 6907 6th St. NW (Zillow home link), Takoma Park.
Here’s the same spot today on Google Street View. It’s right next to District Chophouse and the Iron Horse Tap Room.