Discovering One of the Coolest Old Photos We Have Found: A Squadron of Bombers Flying Over Washington in 1931

Take a look at this amazing old photo of a squadron of bombers flying over Washington in 1931. Click on the image for a larger version and tell us what you see in the comments.

This might be one of the coolest old photos we have discovered. It shows a squadron of bombers flying over Washington in 1931. The main road in the picture is Pennsylvania Ave. heading toward the White House.

Click on the image for a larger version. It’s quite detailed, so tell us what you see in the comments below. I think I can make out Connecticut Ave. in the distance.

Keystone Bombardment airplanes of 2nd Bombardment Group. April 23, 1931
Keystone Bombardment airplanes of 2nd Bombardment Group. April 23, 1931

Source: U.S. National Archives

Seriously, this has to be one of the coolest photos yet. What do you think? How does it compare to the 1865 panorama of the city that we posted a short while back?

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.