Exploring the National Archives: Abraham Lincoln’s Nomination of William Seward to be Secretary of State

Discovering the National Archives is a fascinating journey through history. Here's a look at Abraham Lincoln's nomination of William Seward to be Secretary of State in 1861, as well as a photo of Seward taken by Matthew Brady.

The one thing I have against the National Archives is that is takes up so much of my time … I get completely engrossed in the images they post online.

Here’s a great one, the letter from Lincoln nominating Seward to be Secretary of State.

Abraham Lincoln nominates William Seward to be Secretary of State - March 5th, 1861
Abraham Lincoln nominates William Seward to be Secretary of State – March 5th, 1861

Here’s a great photo of William Seward taken by Matthew Brady.

Honorable William H. Seward, New York, Secretary of State
Honorable William H. Seward, New York, Secretary of State

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