Uncovering the Lost History of Arlington Beach – A Photo Journey Through Time

Explore the lost history of Arlington Beach in the 1920s, with stunning photos from the National Photo Company Collection. See kids playing at the amusement park, near the Pentagon today, in 1925 and 1923.

Hard to believe it, but back in the 1920s, Arlington had a beach. Here’s a shot of the amusement park on the Potomac River (near where the Pentagon is today) around 1925.

Circa 1925. "Arlington Beach." An amusement park in the general vicinity of today's Pentagon, removed in 1929 to make way for an airport expansion. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
Circa 1925. “Arlington Beach.” An amusement park in the general vicinity of today’s Pentagon, removed in 1929 to make way for an airport expansion. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

And here is another photo of the area from 1923. Look at the faces of the kids close up … another great moment, frozen in time.

Arlington Bathing Beach in 1923
Arlington Bathing Beach in 1923

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