Witnessing History: The Sight of the 747 and Space Shuttle Fly By Over DC

History happened on April 17th when the 747 and Space Shuttle flew by DC. Witness the amazing sight with this video post shared by the Department of Interior. Plus, see a great shot from NASA's Flickr feed!

History happens every single day and many of you witnessed this one (I did). The sight of the 747 and Space Shuttle over DC was amazing and it warrants a quick video post to share with everyone. The video was taken by the folks over the Department of Interior, when the fly by happened just two months ago on April 17th.

Here’s a great shot of it from NASA’s Flickr feed.

Space Shuttle Discover in flight over Washington (Flickr user nasahqphoto)
Space Shuttle Discover in flight over Washington (Flickr user nasahqphoto)

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