Posted In John F Kennedy

31 March 1963 President John F. Kennedy and family watch Caroline Kennedy riding a horse named "Tex" at Camp David. "Tex" is wearing a blue and gold Moroccan saddle, a gift to President Kennedy from King Hassan II. Photograph includes: (L-R) Caroline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr., First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and President Kennedy. Camp David, Maryland. Please credit "Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston"
A Candid Photo of JFK and His Family at Camp David in 1963
A candid photo from March 31st, 1963 shows the Kennedy family happily spending time together at Camp David, with Caroline atop a horse and John holding his mother's hand. Picture credit: Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston.
The John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame memorial under construction in Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia
A Fascinating Look Back at the Construction of JFK's Eternal Flame Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
Take a look back at the construction of JFK's Eternal Flame Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery in 1965. This fascinating old photo shows the site before the iconic memorial was completed.
Hickory Hill - the Kennedy estate on Chain Bridge Road
JFK's Opposition to Widening Chain Bridge Road in McLean, VA
Learn about JFK's opposition to widening Chain Bridge Road from McLean into the District. We also uncovered some interesting facts about the history of McLean, VA. Read more about this story here!
The Best Commencement Speeches Given in Washington, DC
Check out the best commencement speeches ever given in Washington, DC from President John F. Kennedy to Ken Burns, Tony Snow and others. See the full lists from NPR and
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Photo of Boyish Kennedy and Nixon
Discover a fascinating photo from 1947 featuring a very young John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon as peers during their time in the House of Representatives.
Kennedy throwing out the first pitch in 1962
A Look Back at the 1962 Major League Baseball All-Star Game at the D.C. Stadium
Take a look back at the 1962 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, held at the new D.C. Stadium (now RFK). See President John F. Kennedy throw out the first pitch in this historic game.
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Remembering President Kennedy and the National Symphony Orchestra Before the Kennedy Center Opening
The National Symphony Orchestra performed at D.A.R. Constitution Hall prior to the opening of the Kennedy Center. Read about President Kennedy's connection to the Orchestra and see an advertisement from The Washington Post, printed on November 22nd, 1963.
Kennedy and Erhard when JFK visited West Germany in 1962
50 Years Ago Today: The Washington Post Printed an Article on the Upcoming State Visit of West Germany's Chancellor
50 years ago today, The Washington Post printed an article on the upcoming state visit of West Germany's Chancellor, Ludwig Erhard. Kennedy was in Dallas that day and the visit never happened. Read the full story here.
Jackie Kennedy
The Powerful Prayer Published in The Washington Post on November 22nd, 1963
On the day President Kennedy was assassinated, a prayer was printed in The Washington Post asking for patience and light in the midst of sorrow. Read this powerful story and its foreshadowing of the tragedy to come.
The Kennedy Estate Wexford is For Sale - A Look Back at the History of the Property
Take a look back at the history of Wexford, the Kennedy estate in Virginia's hunt country, which was built by JFK and Jackie Kennedy in 1962 and is now for sale for $11 million. Learn about the house's Irish roots and the story behind its sale.

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