Join us as we uncover the history of the iconic Golden Garter sign in Washington, DC. We take a look at the past of 639 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, from Roaring Twenties East to Remington's. #WashingtonDC #History
Take a look back at the National Savings and Trust Building in 1960, as seen in this photo sent in by GoDCer Andy from his Flickr collection. This building is located close to the White House on the northeast corner of 15th and New York Ave. NW.
Learn about the ambitious plan to beautify Washington DC with tunnels and bricks in the 1960s. Find out why the plan never came to fruition and what interesting history it has left behind.
In May 1962, a proposed development along the Potomac River caused much debate. The Watergate Towne complex was set to be built, but the proposed height of the structures was a point of contention. Read more about this debate here.
Listen to the classic 1964 phone call in which President Lyndon B. Johnson orders new pants from the Texas-based Haggar apparel company. Courtesy of American Radio Works. Get the full flavor here!
Take a look back at the Brickskeller ad for a cocktail waitress from Dec 10th, 1968. See what the job entailed and discover why this old favorite still holds a special place in the hearts of many.
If you've lived in D.C. for a while, you'll remember the good old days when the W Hotel was actually Hotel Washington, the historic and storied hotel near the White House. I remember having quite a few pleasant lunches on the roof, with a spectacular view of the Washington Monument and the President's house.
The airport was dedicated by President Kennedy and former President Eisenhower, a $110 million federal project, largely driven during the latter's administration.
Check out this amazing photo of Rosslyn in 1965. We dug up this photo on Flickr and it was taken by Roger Wollstadt. Plus, don't miss our post from earlier in the week about a giant fire and explosion that rocked and almost destroyed Rosslyn.