Posted In 1940s

Washington, D.C. Street corner, 7th Street and Florida Avenue, N.W.
From 1942 to Now: Revisiting a Street Corner in Washington, DC
Revisit a street corner in Washington, DC from 1942 to now with this blog post and Google Street View. See how the building across the street has changed from 1942 to now.
Washington, D.C. Passengers, drivers, and dogs were tired by the time they reached the gas pumps on the day before stricter gasoline rationing went into effect
The Long Gas Lines of Washington, D.C. in 1942
Take a look back at World War II-era Washington, D.C. with these photos of the long gas lines in the city on June 21st, 1942, the day before stricter gasoline rationing went into effect.
1942. "Effect of gasoline shortage in Washington, D.C." Medium format nitrate negative by Albert Freeman for the Office of War Information.
A Look Back at Parking Fees in D.C. During World War II
Take a look back in time at parking fees in Washington D.C. during World War II. See the original photo from 1942 and find out just how much different it was back then.
Great Original Video Footage of 1949 Washington DC
Check out this rare footage from GoDCer Eric, sent in from 1949. Enjoy this amazing historical moment and share it with your friends!
President Roosevelt at NIH
Rare Footage of FDR Dedicating the NIH Campus in Bethesda in 1940
Take a look back in time with this rare footage of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dedicating the NIH Campus in Bethesda, Maryland in 1940. Read more about this historic moment and see the original post here.
600 block of G Street NW
Exploring the 600 Block of G Street in Washington, DC Through Photos
This is a cool old photo from the 1940s showing the 600 block of G St in Washington, DC, which has been torn down. See more photos from the area and learn about the DC Public Library's Dig DC project.
Two girls view the cherry blossoms at night from the Tidal Basin, undated, Scurlock Studio. Scurlock Studio Records, c. 1905-1994, Archives Center, National Museum of American History. Neg. no. 2008-4935.
Exploring a Rare Photograph of the Washington Monument and Cherry Blossoms
Discover a rare photograph of the Washington Monument and cherry blossoms taken in the 1940s or 1950s. We dug this photo up in the Smithsonian Archives. Explore this beautiful picture!
D.C. cab fars in 1947
How Much Did a Taxi Cost in DC in 1947? Unbelievable Rates Revealed
Take a look at what it cost to take a taxi in Washington D.C. in 1947. You won't believe your eyes when you see the unbelievable rates revealed in this article from The Washington Post. Plus, find out who is taking a cab from D.C. to Charlottesville or Gettysburg.
Red Cross mobile canteen 1942
A Look Back: A Photo of a Red Cross Mobile Canteen from World War II, 1942
Take a look back at a photo of a World War II Red Cross mobile canteen, taken in 1942. See the image and learn more from the Library of Congress.
Welcome to the Palisades sign
The Fascinating Story Behind the Renaming of MacArthur Blvd.
Learn the fascinating story behind the renaming of MacArthur Blvd. in D.C. It was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1942 to honor General Douglas MacArthur, the famous World War II general. Read on to learn more!

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Ghosts of DC stories.