Posted In 1920s

front page of the Washington Times - May 14th, 1912
In the Paper: Washington Times - Evening Edition - May 14th, 1912
Take a step back in time and explore the May 14th, 1912 edition of the Washington Times with our "In the Paper" installment. View the front and back pages to gain insight into the events of 101 years ago.
front page of the Washington Times - May 13th, 1912
Relive the Past: View the Washington Times from May 13th, 1912
Take a trip back in time and view the front and back page of the Washington Times from the week of May 13th, 1912, exactly 101 years ago. Click on the images to see a larger version and read the paper.
July 31, 1921. Washington, D.C. "Pie eating contest at Tidal Basin bathing beach." In the back row: the blurry but unmistakable facial contours of Iola Swinnerton. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
Bathing Beauties Pie-Eating Contest: A Blast From the Past
Take a step back in time with our look at the pie-eating contest held at the Tidal Basin Bathing Beach in 1921. See the amazing photos and learn about this historic event!
Sylvia Altman
The Amazing Accomplishments of the Altman Siblings: Sylvia, Julian and Elmer
This is an amazing story about the Altman siblings: Sylvia, Julian and Elmer. Read about their incredible accomplishments, from graduating high school at 10 to graduating college at 17, and their success in music and radio.
cameramen posing in front of the State, War, and Navy Building
Capturing History: Press Cameramen at the State, War, and Navy Building, March 15th, 1920
Take a look back in time to March 15th, 1920, when a group of press cameramen gathered outside the State, War, and Navy Building to capture the moment. See the photo and learn more about the history!
Central High School stadium in the 1910s
More Photos of Cardozo High School (formerly Central High School)
Check out these additional photos of Cardozo High School (formerly Central High School) that we dug up. We hope GoDCer Gail enjoys them!
Washington, DC from the air in 1924
A Rare Look at Washington, DC from the Air, August 29th, 1924
Take a look at this rare photograph of Washington, DC taken from the air on August 29th, 1924. See the city's development over the past almost 100 years!
Chevy Chase Club in the 1920s
Photos of Chevy Chase Country Club in the 1920s
Discover a piece of the past with these photos of Chevy Chase Country Club in the 1920s, courtesy of the Library of Congress. Explore what life was like in the 1920s with these photos!
Policeman using mirror to direct traffic at 14th St. and Pennsylvania Avenue
A Fascinating Photograph from the 1920s of a Traffic Policeman Using a Rearview Mirror
Check out this amazing photograph from the Library of Congress, showing a traffic policeman at 14th and Pennsylvania, making use of a rearview mirror in the 1920s. Take a look and be mesmerized!
Smith Transfer and Storage Co., 13th & U Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Exploring the History of Smith Transfer and Storage Company in Washington, D.C.
Take a journey back in time to explore the history of Smith Transfer and Storage Company in Washington, D.C. This photo was taken sometime between 1910 and 1920 and shows the Ellington Apartment Building that sits on the site today.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.