Posted In 1920s

Columbia Hospital
A Look Back in Time – A Photo of Columbia Hospital from the Early 1920s
Take a look back in time and discover a photo of Columbia Hospital in Washington, DC, taken some time in the early 1920s. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
3904 Legation St. NW
A Look Back at Chevy Chase: Comparing the 1921 Price of $15,000 to the 2021 Price of $1.145 Million
Take a look back at Chevy Chase in 1921 and compare it to the current 2021 prices. This beautiful old home was listed at $15,000 in 1921 and is currently for sale at $1.145 million. See what else has changed!
Congressional pages have snowball fight in 1923
A Snowball Fight to Solve Gridlock: How Fun Was This Photo of Congressional Pages Taken in 1923?
Take a look at this fun old photo taken on December 14th, 1923. It shows a large group of boys who were Congressional pages on both sides of the aisle, battling it out with snowballs. Wouldn't it be great if Members of Congress took this tactic to solve gridlock today?
northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW
Exploring the Transformation of Columbia Heights Through Photos From 1918-1922
Explore the transformation of Columbia Heights through photos from 1918-1922. See how the northeast corner of 14th and Irving St. NW looks today compared to the past. Get a glimpse of the area with photos from the Library of Congress and Google Street View.
Potomac Park Apartments
A Look Back at 21st and C St. NW in 1924 (Mislabeled as 1916)
Take a look back at 21st and C St. NW in 1924 (mislabeled as 1916) with this photo of the Potomac Park Apartments. This is the location of the Department of State today.
1919 map of Columbia Heights
Exploring the Past: A Look at an Old Map of Columbia Heights and 16th St. NW
Take a journey back in time with this old map of Columbia Heights and 16th St. NW. Click on it for a larger version and explore to see what you recognize. Who knows, maybe you'll see your place. There are quite a few buildings still standing!
July 7th, 1926
These Boys Look Like They're Having the Time of Their Lives: A Look Back at Swimming in the Reflecting Pool in the 1920s
Take a look back at a time when swimming in the Reflecting Pool was permitted, even though it wasn't strictly enforced. Learn why Congress failed to appropriate money for District pools at the time.
Washington & Lee High School
Take a Look at Washington & Lee High School in 1916
Take a look at this amazing old photo from 1916 of Washington & Lee High School. This school has some notable alumni including Sandra Bullock, Warren Beatty, and Shirley MacLaine. Visit our blog to learn more!
1926 Brookland real estate advertisement
A Look Back at a 1926 Real Estate Advertisement for Brookland
Take a look back to 1926 and an old real estate advertisement for Brookland, as found in The Washington Post. Read on to learn more about this historic advertisement!
"Past and present in locomotives. Eckington Yards, June 4, 1923." A closeup of the locomotive in the Baltimore & Ohio rail yard during the Masonic convention in Washington, D.C. The big engine wears the livery of "Boumi Temple," a Baltimore Shrine lodge. 5x7 glass negative.
Exploring the History of Washington D.C.'s Eckington Rail Yard
Take a look back at the history of Washington D.C.'s Eckington Rail Yard with rare photos from the 1920s, a map from 1919, and a modern comparison to the FedEx shipping center at the intersection of New York Ave. and Florida Ave.

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Ghosts of DC stories.