Posted In Lost History

Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC
Constitution Avenue Almost Renamed Franklin or L'Enfant Avenue
Constitution Avenue used to be named B Streets. That wasn't impressive enough so Congress had a few options.
Print shows view from street of Blodget's Hotel with stagecoach parked in front and a person walking on the sidewalk on the left, later (from 1802 to 1836) the U.S. Patent Office.
The Fascinating History of Blodgett's Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Learn about the fascinating history of Blodgett's Hotel in Washington, D.C., from its beginnings in 1793 to its destruction by fire in 1836. Plus, check out the awesome work of local architectural historian Stephen Hansen.
Griffith Stadium
Where Was Griffith Stadium in Washington?
Griffith Stadium was the home of the Washington Senators. It sat just north of Florida Ave near Howard University.
Plans for proposed building projects in Washington, D.C. Perspective view of concourse and entrance to Key Bridge, 1928
Key Bridge: An Incredible Proposed Design for an Entryway from 1928
Explore the incredible proposed design for an entryway to Key Bridge from 1928. This fascinating piece of architecture was never built and shows the approach from Rosslyn into Georgetown.
The Rise and Fall of the Chevy Chase Ice Palace and Sports Center
Discover the history of the Chevy Chase Ice Palace and Sports Center in Washington, DC, from its opening day in 1938 to its demolition in late 2019. Learn about the ice rink, bowling alley, pool hall, Best & Co. clothing store, and more!
Proposed drawing for Independence Square, Washington Memorial and grounds from model. Drawing for Independence Square III
Proposed Second Mall East of Capitol
This is a fascinating article about a prepared additional National Mall east of the Capitol. It was never built.
An early 1887 design for the memorial bridge across the Potomac River, by Paul J. Pelz.
Unbuilt Grant Memorial Bridge and the Cost of Washington Buildings
Learn about the unbuilt Grant Memorial Bridge and the cost of Washington buildings, including the Capitol, White House, and George Washington University. Read the full article from The Baltimore Sun here.
Plan of the west end of the public appropriation in the city of Washington, called the Mall : as proposed to be arranged for the site of the university / to the Committee of the H. of R. of Congress, BHLatrobe, Surveyor of the City of Washington, Jan'y 1816.
Never Built: Proposed University on the National Mall in 1816
Early in the 19th century, there was a proposal to build a national university at the west end of the Mall, where the Lincoln Memorial now sits.
Proposed design for the completion of the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.
Check Out This Proposed Design for the Completion of the Washington Monument
Take a look at this proposed design from 1877 for the completion of the Washington Monument. Congress appropriated another $200,000 to restart construction on the unfinished monument in 1879.
The Dunbar Hotel, located on 15th street between U and V streets NW. Designed by Clement A. Didden, Jr. the hotel had 485 bedrooms. Demolished in 1974. Automobiles are shown on the street, pedestrians on the sidewalk, and a gas station with a "Texaco / Amoc / Sinclair" sign. "Ansco Safety Film" edge imprint. Negative uncaptioned.
Exploring the Dunbar Hotel Through Photos Found at the Smithsonian
Take a trip back in time and explore the Dunbar Hotel through photos found at the Smithsonian. Learn more about this building that used to sit on the northwest corner of 15th and U St before being demolished in 1974.

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