Posted In From the Crazy Vault

Horse car in Washington, D.C. at Wisconsin and O St. NW (1889)
Cursed Streetcar: The Tragic Story of Levin Ward and the Georgetown and Tennallytown Electric Railroad
Read the tragic story of Levin Ward, a 65-year-old soldier from Tennallytown struck by the Georgetown and Tennallytown Electric Railroad's Car No. 9. See his 1880 U.S. Census entry and learn why this streetcar was cursed.
The Search For Haile Selassie's Stolen Elephant Tusks
In 1954, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie presented a pair of elephant tusks to District leaders in Washington, DC. Now, they have been stolen and the Metropolitan Police Department has asked for help in finding them. See photos and read descriptions of the tusks Selassie gave in other cities.
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The Strange Story of the White House Secret Service Guard Who Robbed a Bank
Read the strange story of the White House Secret Service guard who robbed a Citizens National Bank branch in Laurel in 1981. We came across the article and the sentencing in The Baltimore Sun. Come read this bizarre story from the 1980s!
Drunk Guy Falls Off Key Bridge Railing
James Hall, a drunk 26-year-old, fell from Key Bridge as he did stunts on the railings to amuse onlookers.
View of Aqueduct Bridge and Rosslyn from Georgetown, ca. 1900. The American Brewery is located in upper right. (Arlington Public Library)
Fire and Explosions Threaten to Destroy Rosslyn
We came across a crazy article detailing the horrors and action-movie like sequences of the fire that ripped the town.
Recounting a College Prank that Nearly Went Wrong in Georgetown University in 1900
In 1900, a college prank in Georgetown University nearly went wrong. Students attempted to scare a stable attendant, but a horse was stolen and the police were called. Read more about this bizarre incident on Ghosts of DC.
Cedar Hill in 1905
The Robbery of Frederick Douglass' Former Home at Cedar Hill in 1905
Read about the robbery of Frederick Douglass' former home at Cedar Hill in Anacostia, Washington D.C. in 1905. Learn more about this historic event from The Washington Post and other sources.
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It Was 24 Degrees Below Average 130 Years Ago Today: A Look Back at the Misery of Winter in DC
It was a painfully uncomfortable day 130 years ago in DC. We went through the papers to dig up some old stories about the misery of winter and found some good stuff. Read on to learn more about the freezing temperatures and ice jams in the Potomac River!
Explosion in Foggy Bottom: Was it a Meteor or a Bomb Outrage?
We came across an article in The Washington Post from August 17th, 1919, detailing an explosion in Foggy Bottom. Local officials were unable to identify the source of the explosion and an interesting theory was presented by others interviewed in the article. Was it a meteor or a bomb outrage?
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The Mysterious Death of Jennie Lanahan in a Washington Boarding House in 1885
This post tells the story of Jennie Lanahan's mysterious death in a Washington DC boarding house in 1885. Follow along to find out what happened and read more about running a boarding house in the 1880s.

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Ghosts of DC stories.