A Comparison of 7th & G Street NW in 1911 and Today

Take a look at the remarkable transformation of 7th & G Street NW in Washington D.C. from 1911 to today. See the difference in streetcars, automobiles, and horse-drawn carts in this comparison.

How different does this look? This is a shot of 7th and G St, taken on June 27th, 1911. You are looking up 7th St.

View looking north up 7th Street NW from G Street NW. Streetcars, automobiles and horse pulled carts are in the street.
View looking north up 7th Street NW from G Street NW. Streetcars, automobiles and horse pulled carts are in the street.

Source: Dig DC

Here is what the same intersection looks like on today’s Google Street View.