A Look Back in Time: President Coolidge Visiting President Machado at the Cuban Embassy in 1927

Take a look back in time to April 22nd, 1927 when President Calvin Coolidge visited President Gerardo Machado at the Cuban Embassy. See the historic photo from the Library of Congress.

Here’s a cool old photo of President Calvin Coolidge visiting President Gerardo Machado at the Cuban Embassy on April 22nd, 1927.

President Coolidge calls on President Machado of Cuba upon arrival in Washington. President Coolidge with President Gerardo Machado of Cuba [...]ides photographed at the Cuban embassy in Washington Chief Executive of the United States paid a return [...]a's President. President Machado had previously President Coolidge at the White House shortly after [...]l in the National Capital
President Coolidge calls on President Machado of Cuba upon arrival in Washington. President Coolidge with President Gerardo Machado of Cuba […]ides photographed at the Cuban embassy in Washington Chief Executive of the United States paid a return […]a’s President. President Machado had previously President Coolidge at the White House shortly after […]l in the National Capital

Source: Library of Congress

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