Birth of Patti Sue Williams: Unbelievable Story of a Baby Born on Key Bridge in 1956

In an incredible story of a mother's dedication, The Washington Post reported in 1956 on the birth of Patti Sue Williams on Key Bridge in Fairfax. Read the article excerpts and find out whether you know this brave woman!

You probably don’t believe that headline, but it indeed happened back in 1956. On August 29th, The Washington Post reported that a woman from Fairfax gave birth to a healthy baby while en route to the hospital. Below are excerpts from the article.

Mrs. Aulick B. Williams, 25, of 202 Bolling rd., Falls Church, was delivered of a seven-pound girl, Patti Sue, bu two members of the Jefferson Village Volunteer Fire Deaprtment who had never before presided at the birth of a baby.

The frantic race with the stork took the firemen and their patient to three hospitals, and left the expectant father racing over half the metropolitan area in search of his wife while the child was being born.

Williams, a Navy chief petty officer stationed at Arlington Hall, and his wife, Thelma, were en route to the Bethesda Naval Hospital in their auto when he determined they would never make it. They flagged a policeman at Seven Corners who summoned the Jefferson Village ambulance.

Fireman O. R. Dube, 27, and Frank McGhee, 18, raced Mrs. Williams to Arlington Hospital. Mrs. Williams said she thought they could make it to Bethesda and the ambulance sped off immediately.

As they reached Key Bridge McGhee told the drive to stop. The baby arrived at 6:36 a. m. as early morning traffic swerved to avoid the ambulance.

What a wild story.

Does anyone know a Patti Sue Williams, born on Key Bridge in 1956?

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Ghosts of DC stories.