A Look Back at the Construction of Meridian Hill Park – Mary Foote Henderson’s Vision

Taking a look back at the construction of Meridian Hill Park in DC, largely thanks to Mary Foote Henderson's vision of the park. Uncovering never-before-seen photos from the Library of Congress of the park being built.

Meridian Hill Park was largely the vision of Mary Foote Henderson. So, we have her to thank for the great park sitting at the crest of 16th and Euclid with a sweeping view of the city. It’s one of the best views in the city and one of the few “hills” in the city (I don’t know if it really counts as a hill … it’s kind of a joke compared to San Francisco or Seattle).

Here are some photos that we found at the Library of Congress showing the park being built. Pretty cool photos, because we’ve never seen these.

Meridian Hill Park - east side of 16th St. NW
Meridian Hill Park – east side of 16th St. NW
Meridian Hill Park
Meridian Hill Park
Meridian Hill Park
Meridian Hill Park

Source: Library of Congress

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