Celebrity Attendees at the ’63 March on Washington: Sammy Davis Jr., Charlton Heston, and Harry Belafonte

Take a look at the famous trio of celebrities who attended the '63 March on Washington: Sammy Davis Jr., Charlton Heston, and Harry Belafonte. See photos from the event!

Here’s an interesting trio of celebrities in attendance at the ’63 March on Washington. Sammy Davis Jr., Charlton Heston, and Harry Belafonte.

Charlton Heston and Harry Belafonte walking past marshals at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington,1963
Charlton Heston and Harry Belafonte walking past marshals at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington,1963
Sammy Davis, Jr., waving to people as he walks past marshals at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, 1963
Sammy Davis, Jr., waving to people as he walks past marshals at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, 1963

Source: Library of Congress

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