Here’s a quick post to fill you with a little trivia. A short list of three people that you probably didn’t know were born in the District. Not only that, but this is a bizarre collection of three completely unrelated people, enough to give you terrific trivia material.
Warren Buffett

The most frugal rich man in the world, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway was born in Omaha, Nebraska on August 30th, 1930. Against all odds, his father was elected to the House in 1942 as a Republican against the New Deal.
The family moved to Washington and Buffett attended Alice Deal Middle School and went on to graduate from Wilson High School in 1947. His entrepreneurial days in D.C. where had a bicycle paper route. Always the frugal man, he filed his first tax return in 1944 and took a $35 deduction on his bike and watch used on his paper route.
Ben Feldman

If you watch Mad Men (really, who doesn’t), then you know and love Ben Feldman (aka, Michael Ginsberg). It turns out that our favorite copywriter, the snarky, sometimes hot-tempered Ginsberg, is originally from our area.
He was born in D.C. on May 27th, 1980 and spent his youth growing up in suburban Potomac, attending Winston Churchill High School.
Oh, also, his colleague Christina Hendricks is from the area. Though not born around here, she spen her teen years living in Fairfax.
Patch Adams

Seriously? The guy Robin Williams played in that movie a while back was born and spent much of his life here. Hunter Dohert Adams was born in the District on May 28th, 1945 and spent his early youth overseas in Germany and Japan where his father was an army officer. His father died while the family was in Europe and they moved back to the Washington area.
In 1963, Adams graduated from Wakefield High School in Arlington. He took pre-med courses at GW and then enrolled at VCU to begin his medical degree (without finishing undergraduate).