Exploring the History of the Park and Shop at Connecticut and Ordway in Cleveland Park

If you've ever been to Cleveland Park, you've probably seen the Park and Shop on Connecticut and Ordway. Learn more about its history, as one of the country's oldest strip malls, built in 1930 by Shannon & Luchs.

If you live in Cleveland Park, or have ever seen a movie at the Uptown, you will recognize the photo below. This is the Park and Shop at Connecticut Ave. and Ordway St.

It was built in 1930 as one of the country’s oldest strip malls.

Park and Shop on Connecticut Avenue in Cleveland Park
Park and Shop on Connecticut Avenue in Cleveland Park

The development was done by Shannon & Luchs, and at the time was a major departure from existing commercial development plans. Parking had become a major problem for commercial areas, and creating a large setback from the street to allow for parking was a major boon to shoppers and store owners alike.

Park and Shop mock-up in the Washington Post - September 14th, 1930
Park and Shop mock-up in the Washington Post – September 14th, 1930

Check out the invitation for a public opening on Friday, December 5th, 1930. This was published that day in the Washington Post.

Park and Shop opening advertisement - Washington Post (December 5th, 1930)
Park and Shop opening advertisement – Washington Post (December 5th, 1930)

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