In The Paper Series: Exploring The Evening Star Newspaper From June 22nd, 1901

Read through an old newspaper with us! Our new "In The Paper" series lets you explore the Evening Star newspaper from June 22nd, 1901. Let us know if you find anything interesting!

Here’s another chance to read a full page from an old newspaper. We spend hours scanning these for interesting stories and information and our new “In The Paper” series allows you to enjoy getting lost in old newspapers as well.

Here’s on from Saturday, June 22nd, 1901. This is the Evening Star’s real estate section. A couple interesting points of reference … nine days earlier, Cuba became an official protectorate of the United States. And on Sunday, June 23rd, Chuck Taylor was born (i.e., Converse All-Stars).

The Evening Star - June 22nd, 1901
The Evening Star – June 22nd, 1901

Let everyone know if you find anything interesting, because we didn’t read through the page before posting.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.