Yesterday’s post was popular, and thanks to GoDCer Mark’s tweet, I have another oddity to share with you. Below is a scene you’re not likely to see today at 14th and G.

This is Julius Daranyi who had arrived in Washington with his theater group for a week of performances. On June 8th — for some inexplicable reason — he was made policeman for a day to direct traffic. Of course, the Washington Post reported on it.
Julius Daranyi, one of the stars with Singer’s midgets playing at B. F. Keith‘s theater this week, will become a member of the District of Columbia’s police force today and take up his first detail at Fourteenth and G streets, at 12:30 o’clock, where he will direct traffic.
Seriously … I can’t make this stuff up. You can also buy this photograph on Amazon or Ebay. By the way, a large number of Singer’s midgets were cast as munchkins in the Wizard of Oz.