Yet again, I find something to share on Shorpy. This one is gruesome, but too crazy not to post. This was a big story at the time, in July of 1920. The murders happened after a robbery gone wrong.

Jean and Katherine Odiscus died from gunshot wounds suffered during their attempted robbery of Theodore Apostalos Koukos at 809 9th St. NW on July 26th, 1920. Koukos, who also perished during the attack from hatchet wounds, was reported to have shot both Odiscus in the head with a .32 caliber revolver.
The scene of this crime is right near where Cuba Libre is today. The whole block of 9th St. was knocked down a while ago, replaced by what is now a giant Department of Treasury building.
This story is so long that I couldn’t type it up, but I posted scanned images of the newspaper stories documenting the case. Believe me, it’s nuts.

And below is a photo of the building in which the crime took place — 809 9th St. NW (it no longer exists).