Posted In The White House

Cheney and Rumsfeld in 1975
The 1975 Handover of Power at the White House: How Dick Cheney Replaced Donald Rumsfeld as Chief of Staff
This article takes a look at the 1975 handover of power at the White House, when Dick Cheney replaced Donald Rumsfeld as President Ford's Chief of Staff. Read to find out more about the transition and the men behind it!
White House from above
The Rare View of the White House from Above
Take a look back at a time when the White House was visible from the skies above. Due to restricted air space, this view of the White House is nearly impossible to get today.
Washington circa 1910. "Glimpse of White House from Monument Green." 8x10 inch glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
A Glimpse of the White House from Monument Green, Circa 1910
Take a look at this stunning photograph of the White House from Monument Green, circa 1910. Thanks to Shorpy for this amazing image!
bike couriers exit the White House to deliver the news of Pearl Harbor
The Crowd That Gathered Outside the White House the Day After Pearl Harbor
Read this fascinating article from the Washington Post on December 8th, 1941 - the day after Pearl Harbor. Learn about the crowd that assembled outside the White House, angrily waiting for a sign of what was to come. Don't forget to check out our post on what was happening in D.C. on the day of the attack!
White House fence
The Bizarre Suicide of Edward Caton: Impaled on the White House Fence
This is such a bizarre story, not unlike the horse that impaled itself on the same fence. Read about the suicide of Edward Caton, as printed in the Baltimore Sun on October 11th, 1890, and we were able to dig up Edward Caton in the 1880 U.S. Census.
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A Look Back: An Old Home Movie of a Family's Visit to Washington and the White House
Take a look back in time with this old home movie of a family's visit to Washington and the White House. You'll be shocked to see how much security has changed compared to today! This film was sourced from the Internet Archive.
The President's Manion in 1850
1850 Stereoscopic Photo of the President's Mansion
A beautiful stereoscopic image of the President's mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Washington, from the presidents house: vue de Washington, prise de la maison du president / Washington vom hause des prasidenten gesehn
1848 View From the President's House
View from the White House in 1848, looking at the Capitol Building.
General view of the city from the south toward the Treasury Building and the White House. Cows are grazing near Tiber Creek.
Marveling at the Historic Photographs at the National Archives
Explore the amazing photographs from the National Archives, including a view of the Treasury Department and White House taken during the Civil War. Come marvel at history!
view from White House over front lawn in 1897
A Rare Look at the White House Front Lawn in 1897
Take a step back in time and view the White House front lawn in 1897 with this rare image from the Library of Congress. Get a glimpse of what it looked like over 100 years ago!

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Ghosts of DC stories.