Posted In Jackie Kennedy

Jackie Kennedy
World's Best Dressed Woman is Jackie Kennedy
For the second year in a row, Jackie Kennedy was named the best dressed women in the world. Not a shock to any who read this post for sure.
31 March 1963 President John F. Kennedy and family watch Caroline Kennedy riding a horse named "Tex" at Camp David. "Tex" is wearing a blue and gold Moroccan saddle, a gift to President Kennedy from King Hassan II. Photograph includes: (L-R) Caroline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr., First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and President Kennedy. Camp David, Maryland. Please credit "Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston"
A Candid Photo of JFK and His Family at Camp David in 1963
A candid photo from March 31st, 1963 shows the Kennedy family happily spending time together at Camp David, with Caroline atop a horse and John holding his mother's hand. Picture credit: Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston.
The Kennedy Estate Wexford is For Sale - A Look Back at the History of the Property
Take a look back at the history of Wexford, the Kennedy estate in Virginia's hunt country, which was built by JFK and Jackie Kennedy in 1962 and is now for sale for $11 million. Learn about the house's Irish roots and the story behind its sale.
President and Mrs. Kennedy arrive in San Antonio - November 21st, 1963 (Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)
President Kennedy's Non-Political Texas Trip, Two Days Before He Was Assassinated
On November 20th, 1963, President Kennedy made a 'non-political' trip to Texas, the Vice President's home state. Two days later, he was assassinated. Read more here to learn about the events leading up to his tragic death.
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Remembering JFK: A Powerful Video of the Kennedy Family Leaving the White House
A powerful and moving video of the Kennedy family leaving the White House after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Jackie Kennedy is also seen visiting JFK's grave in Arlington Cemetery.

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