Posted In Cleveland Park

Reno Rd. NW
The Story of How Reno Road in North Cleveland Park Almost Became Washington Avenue
Learn the fascinating story of how Reno Road in North Cleveland Park almost became Washington Avenue in honor of the west coast state. Find out why the proposal was opposed by Senator Howard Cannon of Nevada.
2Amys by Gastronomy Blog
Exploring the History of 3715 & 3713 Macomb St. NW: From Beauty Shop to 2Amys
From beauty shop to shoe shop to 2Amys, explore the history of 3715 & 3713 Macomb St. NW in Washington DC. Learn about the expert barber and shoe repairman that used to occupy the space before it changed hands!
Cleveland Heights - 1889
1889 Cleveland Park Real Estate Ad
At the time, Grover Cleveland lived north of the city in a lovely old estate called Oak Hill. Eventually, the neighborhood that grew up around his home was named for him: "Cleveland Park".
Oak View - home of President Cleveland - Oct. 3, 1897
Why Is It Named Cleveland Park?
What is today Cleveland Park was an area for well-off Washingtonians to build their summer cottages. It was far enough away from swampy hot downtown and elevated to provide some breezy relief.
Connecticut Avenue Highlands advertisement in 1910
A Look Back at Connecticut Avenue Highlands (Now Cleveland Park) in 1910
Take a look back at Connecticut Avenue Highlands (now Cleveland Park) in 1910 with this old advertisement. Check out more of our awesome old ads here!
Phoebe Hearst Elementary School
Uncovering the History of Phoebe Hearst Elementary School
Learn the history of Phoebe Hearst Elementary School in North Cleveland Park, a school dedicated to the philanthropist, feminist, and suffragist. Find out why it's named after her, and learn about her influential work in early education.
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A Look Back at the Early Days of Cleveland Park
Explore the early days of Cleveland Park, formerly known as Cleveland Heights and Columbia Heights. See two maps of the area from 1892 and learn about President and Mrs. Cleveland's country seat.
Washington Post - August 5th, 1928
A Look Back: Here's an Old Ad from the Roaring 20s
Take a look back at the Roaring 20s with this old ad from the Washington Post on August 5th, 1928. See the imagery and get a sense of what life was like in the 1920s.
3033 Ordway St. NW
What Was Life Like in 1948? Examining a Washington Post Advertisement from Leap Day
Take a look back at life in 1948 through a Washington Post advertisement printed on Leap Day, February 29th. Explore the culture, trends and more from the past.
Cleveland Park in 1919
Exploring Connecticut Avenue in 1919: A Map of Cleveland Park and Chevy Chase
Take a journey back in time to explore Connecticut Avenue in 1919 with maps of Cleveland Park and Chevy Chase. See what the area looked like over 100 years ago!

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