Posted In 1960s

Abandoned Capitol Traction Company Powerhouse in 1967
These haunting 1967 photos show the inside and outside of the old Capitol Traction Company Powerhouse, previously located on the Georgetown waterfront.
History of Washington's Suburbs
This is a great old map of the Washington area from 1961 showing all the real estate developments as featured by The Washington Post. We transcribed all 57 neighborhoods and their brief descriptions below. It’s quaint to read all the listings and the directions provided to get to the subdivisions. Remember reading directions or maps to get somewhere? Even printing Mapquest directions seems antiquated. Thanks to Google Maps and Waze, we’re never lost right? Or are we always lost with no...
1963 Map of D.C. Public Housing
This fascinating old map from 1963 shows all the public housing developments in Washington, DC.
Almost-Built Highways of Washington, DC
Why doesn't 395 cut through Washington, DC? This is the history of highways in DC.
31 March 1963 President John F. Kennedy and family watch Caroline Kennedy riding a horse named "Tex" at Camp David. "Tex" is wearing a blue and gold Moroccan saddle, a gift to President Kennedy from King Hassan II. Photograph includes: (L-R) Caroline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr., First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and President Kennedy. Camp David, Maryland. Please credit "Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston"
A Candid Photo of JFK and His Family at Camp David in 1963
A candid photo from March 31st, 1963 shows the Kennedy family happily spending time together at Camp David, with Caroline atop a horse and John holding his mother's hand. Picture credit: Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston.
Looking eastward along the I-495 Capital Beltway in Virginia, east of Springfield, toward the Beltway bridge over the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac (RF&P) Railroad (today's CSX Railroad) in the distance. The highway was nearing completion but not yet open to traffic at this time. Notice that the roadway has three lanes, and that the roadway is paved with reinforced Portland cement concrete. When originally built, the Beltway in Virginia had six lanes (three each way) between I-95 at Springfield and across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge and all the way through Maryland. This photo was taken in 1963 by the Virginia Department of Highways.
Origin of the Term "Beltway Bandit"
Career criminal Joseph Francis Fearon of Fairfax was the original ring leader of the “Beltway Bandits” of the late 1960s, robbing neighborhood homes neighboring the then-new Capital Beltway.
Proposed highway in Arlington
Proposed Southside Freeway in Arlington: What Could Have Been
This post explores the proposed Southside Freeway in Arlington which never came to be. Learn about the 1960 proposal, the public opinion, and why the highway never came to fruition in this post.
A menu for bottle liquors room service at the Willard Hotel.
Uncovering the Willard Hotel's Room Service Menu from the 1950s or 1960s
Uncovering a fascinating piece of DC history! Check out this old menu for the Willard Hotel's room service, dating back to the 1950s or 1960s. Learn more about this find at Discover DC History.
Capitol Building and a lot of cars parked in front of it in the 1960s
A Look at the Capitol Building from the 1960s - A Scene You'll Never See Again
Take a look at this rare photo of the Capitol Building from the 1960s. See the Capitol Dome under construction and a lot of cars parked out in front of it - something you'll never see again!
Aerial view of the Washington Navy Yard, looking east (top). This shot shows the Navy Yard’s borders: M Street on the north (left); the waterfront on the south; 11th street on the east, and 2nd street on the west (foreground). On the right bank of the river is Anacostia, September 1963. NHHC Photograph Collection, Navy Subject Files, Washington Navy Yard. (214).
Aerial Views of the Washington Navy Yard Before, During, and After President Kennedy's Assassination
Take a look at the Washington Navy Yard before, during, and after President Kennedy's assassination with these aerial views from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

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