Posted In 1870s

Washington Post classifieds - March 29th, 1879
Discovering Hidden Gems: A Look at the Washington Post Classified Pages from March 29th, 1879
Take a trip back in time to explore the Washington Post Classified Pages from March 29th, 1879. Discover hidden gems and find out what the National Clothing Company was advertising in the city of Washington D.C.
Newspaper row in 1874
Exploring Newspaper Row in Washington, D.C. in 1874
Take a look back in time to newspaper row in Washington, D.C. as it was in 1874. See an engraving from Harper's New Monthly Magazine for an up close look at the bustling hub of news in the nation's capital.
map of Rockville in 1879
Obsessing Over Old Maps: A Look at Rockville in 1879
We are obsessed with old maps, and here's another one to obsess over! Take a look at this map of Rockville, Maryland in 1879. Learn more about the history of Montgomery County too!
map of Falls Church in 1879
Exploring Falls Church Through Maps From 1879
Join us as we explore Falls Church through maps from 1879. Get a glimpse of the area in the past and learn about the history of Falls Church.
D.C. slums in 1935
What Is The History of Hell's Bottom?
Where was Hell's Bottom in Washington, DC and what happened there? Here are three stories from lost history about the long-gone neighborhood.
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Exploring Bethesda and Montgomery County: A Map of the Area from 1878
Explore the area around Bethesda and Montgomery County, MD with this 1878 map. Learn why it was named Montgomery County and more! Click for a larger map.
Washington, D.C., circa 1919. "Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. switchboards." Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative.
The History of the Telephone in Washington, D.C.: From the Civil War to the Present
Learn about the history of the telephone in Washington, D.C., from the Civil War to the present. Read about the first telephone directory, the first telephone exchange, and the first telephone operators in D.C.
Emily Edson Briggs, aka "Olivia"
Exploring Social Life in 19th Century Washington Through Emily Edson Briggs' "The Olivia Letters
Take a journey back in time to 19th century Washington with Emily Edson Briggs' "The Olivia Letters." Learn about the formalities and rules of etiquette, and get a glimpse into the social life of the city.
The Pig at 1320 14th St. NW (
Exploring the History of 1320 14th St. NW: From Auctions to Yeggs to Sex Shops
Explore the fascinating history of 1320 14th St. NW, from auctions in 1878 to a safe robbery in 1934 to a sex shop in 1985. Plus, learn why it's now home to The Pig restaurant!
Washington, D.C., circa 1918. "Old house, Mass. Ave. N.E. Built by Thomas Taylor in 1876."
The Incredible Photograph of Thomas Taylor's Home and a Brief Biography
Take a look at this incredible photograph of Thomas Taylor's home and a brief biography of the prominent scientist who lived in Washington for nearly half a century. Click to examine the photo in detail and explore the man in the right corner.

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