Andrew J. 'Cy' Cummings was a larger-than-life figure in early 1900's Chevy Chase. He was a football star at Georgetown, a successful farmer, politician, and sportsman. Read more about 'Big Cy' from the Chevy Chase Historical Society.
As the University of Maryland prepares to leave the Atlantic Coast Conference, reminisce on the Terrapin's glory days in 1954 and the 74-13 victory over Missouri that set the single-game scoring record for 27 years.
In 1895, Reverend Alexander Crummell delivered a powerful Thanksgiving sermon to three congregations, including the 15th St. Presbyterian Church. He identified several instances of hope for African Americans, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, including persevering through the institution of slavery. Read the entire sermon now!
In 1888, mainstream coverage of Thanksgivukkah (the convergence of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving) was minimal. Learn what the Washington Post and National Tribune reported on this rare calendar quirk 125 years ago.
Learn how Sarah Josepha Hale wrote to Abraham Lincoln in 1863 and urged him to establish a national day of thanksgiving. Read the transcribed letter, Lincoln's proclamation, and Obama's 2013 Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Learn about the significance of the November Poppy and the forgotten American tradition of the "Buddy Poppy." Understand the history and importance of the tradition, and why it's important to consider its meaning and make an informed, personal choice before participating.
Take a look back at a time when the White House was visible from the skies above. Due to restricted air space, this view of the White House is nearly impossible to get today.
Searching for ghosts can be a tedious and oftentimes fruitless endeavor. In this blog post, read about the frustrations of a ghost hunter and the unique request made by one psychical research society in the late 19th century!
Explore the placement of the capstone on the Washington Monument, made of aluminum and placed in 1885. See the famous inscription on its East side, "Laus Deo" meaning "Praise be to God". Read about it in Dan Brown's book, "The Lost Symbol".
The Duke of Abruzzi and Kitty Elkins had a scandalous, gossiped-about love affair, but it would not be so. Read the story of their 5 year courtship against all odds, and the surprising outcome of this forbidden love affair.