Early 20th Century Flying Innovation: William Randolph Hearst, Jay Gould, and the Rex Smith Aeroplane Company

This cool old advertisement shows competition for flying innovation in the early 20th century. William Randolph Hearst offered $50,000 for a successful flight across the U.S. Learn more about Jay Gould's $10,000 offer to the first pilot to fly at 10,000 feet and the Rex Smith Aeroplane Company founded in College Park Maryland.

This cool old advertisement shows a competition for flying innovation in the early 20th century. Click on it to read more and see that William Randolph Hearst was offering $50,000 for a successful flight across the continental U.S. Jay Gould of New York offered $10,000 to the first pilot to fly at an altitude of 10,000 feet. This advertisement was run in The Washington Times back in 1911.

Washington Times - April 28th, 1911
Washington Times – April 28th, 1911

Source: Library of Congress

The Rex Smith Aeroplane Company was founded in College Park Maryland, by of course Rex Smith. Only two biplanes were manufactured by the company during its existence from 1910 to 1916. His operations were at College Park Airport, which still exists today.

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