Exploring the History of the Iconic Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington DC

Take a look into the history of the iconic Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington DC. Learn about the home of former Secretary of State John Hay and view rare photos from 1888 and 1898.

This is what stood on the corner of 16th and H St. before the iconic Hay-Adams Hotel. this was the home of former Secretary of State John Hay, who was also a private secretary and assistant to Abraham Lincoln (check out this amazing colorized photo of him).

View of house at 800 16th Street NW once occupied by Secretary of State John Hay (1898-1905).
View of house at 800 16th Street NW once occupied by Secretary of State John Hay (1898-1905).

Source: Dig DC

Here is another great photo, and another.

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Ghosts of DC stories.