A Rare Look at Washington, D.C. from Capitol Hill

Get a rare glimpse of Washington, D.C. from Capitol Hill with this historical photograph. The image features the Washington Jail, Aldrich's Wholesale Flour, Grain & Feed Warehouse, and more.

We can’t remember if we’ve posted this photo in the past, but it’s such a good one, that it doesn’t really matter.

Early photographic view of Washington, D.C. from Capitol Hill, looking northwest - Northwest view with 1st, B, C, D streets, and Indiana Ave. in the foreground; view includes the Washington Jail, Aldrich's Wholesale Flour, Grain & Feed Warehouse, Dyers American House, Shamokin & Lykins Valley Coal (Wood & Coal), Depot House, C. Boyle, and Door, Sash & Blind Factory
Early photographic view of Washington, D.C. from Capitol Hill, looking northwest – Northwest view with 1st, B, C, D streets, and Indiana Ave. in the foreground; view includes the Washington Jail, Aldrich’s Wholesale Flour, Grain & Feed Warehouse, Dyers American House, Shamokin & Lykins Valley Coal (Wood & Coal), Depot House, C. Boyle, and Door, Sash & Blind Factory

Source: Library of Congress

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