Exploring the Transformation of Metro Center Over Time

Take a trip through time and explore Metro Center's transformation. From E.F. Droop & Sons music store to a bustling area, see how the area has changed over the years.

This block looks extremely different today. Back then, you would find E.F. Droop & Sons music store and Stiebel’s.

Washington, D.C., 1913. "E.F. Droop & Sons Co. music store."
Washington, D.C., 1913. “E.F. Droop & Sons Co. music store.”

Source: Shorpy

Today, it’s the area around Metro Center.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?cbp=12,222.43,,1,-4.56&layer=c&panoid=njc-i8b9j94uVG3q3VXCRQ&cbll=38.898314,-77.029783&dg=opt&ie=UTF8&ll=38.866444,-76.988754&spn=0.36515,0.545883&t=m&z=11&source=embed&output=svembed]

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