The Unbearable Heat of 1926: Washingtonians Take Refuge in Rock Creek Park

In 1926, Washingtonians were desperate to escape the unbearable heat. Some took refuge in Rock Creek Park, as seen in this photo of three Washingtonians attempting to beat the heat. Read more about this historic summer in D.C.

A heat wave in 1926 was unbearable and some folks took to the cooler confines of Rock Creek for some respite. Below is a photo (probably staged) of three Washingtonians attempting to escape the brutal D.C. summer.

Washington, D.C., in the summer of 1926. "Hot weather, Rock Creek Park." National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
Washington, D.C., in the summer of 1926. “Hot weather, Rock Creek Park.” National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

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