Old GoDC buddy Jack sent along a crazy tale that I can only describe by saying OMFG. You’ll see what I mean.

This is an article from November 10th, 1887 published in the Washington Post.
The case of Beverly Jones, the young colored man charged with killing Robert Morris by plunging an umbrella through his eyeball in his brain, came up yesterday before Judge Montgomery. the murder is alleged to have been committed September 23, on H street between Sixth and Seventh southwest. Messrs. T. F. Miller and John Brown appear for Jones. There was much difficulty in securing a jury and nearly the whole day passed before twelve men were selected as follows: George G. Boteler, Frank O. Offutt, Charles L. Hurley, Louis D. Moline, John H. Gheen, John H. Streets, M. N. Perryman, James S. Worthington, Theo Lay, William C. Barnes, Edward Summerville and L. A. Littleford. Upon the completion of the jury the court adjourned until this morning.
The 600 block of H St. no longer exists, but below is a map of the area today, courtesy of Google.