Take a Look at The Wise-Hooe-Lloyd House, 220 North Washington Street in Alexandria, VA

Take a look at the Wise-Hooe-Lloyd House in Alexandria, VA. This house has remained unchanged since the 1930s. Take a look at the house today with Google Maps.
Wise-Hooe-Lloyd House, 220 North Washington Street
Wise-Hooe-Lloyd House, 220 North Washington Street

If you live in Alexandria or have been there, you have undoubtedly been by this house. This is the Wise-Hooe-Lloyd House on North Washington St, sometime in the 1930s.

Check out the house today. Looks exactly the same.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=220+North+Washington+Street,+Alexandria,+VA&layer=c&sll=38.807231,-77.046700&cbp=13,296.84,,0,0.74&cbll=38.807071,-77.046567&hl=en&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=220+N+Washington+St,+Alexandria,+Virginia+22314&ll=38.807231,-77.0467&spn=0.008009,0.013604&t=m&z=14&panoid=bJ_ugY23Qvgxt-clN44DVQ&source=embed&output=svembed]

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