Counting Electoral Votes for the 1916 Presidential Election – A Fascinating Photo from the Library of Congress

A fascinating photo from the Library of Congress shows the counting of electoral votes for the 1916 Presidential Election between Woodrow Wilson and Charles Hughes. Click on the photo to see the faces of the men, who all happen to be old white dudes.

This is another great photo, again from the Library of Congress. The caption states that it is the counting of electoral votes for the 1916 Presidential Election, in which Woodrow Wilson beat Charles Hughes. I’m unclear why this count would be on April 14th when the inauguration was on March 5th.

Click on it to see the faces of the men, who all happen to be old white dudes.

Counting electorial vote, U.S. Capitol, [Washington, D.C.], 4/14/17
Counting electorial vote, U.S. Capitol, [Washington, D.C.], 4/14/17

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