Exploring Biking in the District: WABA, Capital Bikeshare, and a Rambler Bicycles Ad from 1895

Take a look back at bicycling in DC with a vintage 1895 Rambler Bicycles ad, and see how far biking in the district has come with Capital Bikeshare and WABA.

This city loves bikes … okay, a few angry drivers hate bikes, but they should work through those issues. WABA is a huge local advocate for our region, pushing for the greener form of transportation. Capital Bikeshare has also exploded as of late, so much so, that I couldn’t find a bike this weekend when I desperately needed one. Yes, I recognize that there are far larger problems I could be faced with (i.e., slow broadband Internet, a long line to get Dogfish Head at Nats Park, Room 11 running out of prosciutto … I could go on).

I digress. You might enjoy this advertisement from 1895 promoting Rambler Bicycles. They were manufactured in Chicago by Gormully & Jeffery between 1878 and 1900.

Rambler Bicycles advertisement in the Washington Times - July 31st, 1895
Rambler Bicycles advertisement in the Washington Times – July 31st, 1895

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Ghosts of DC stories.