Posted In The Cairo

Cairo Flats circa 1890
Stay at the Cairo Hotel For $2 a Night
This great series of advertisements from the papers shows the Cairo Hotel back in the result 1900s. How about a room for $45 a month?
The Cairo in 1906
The Cairo: An Amazing Building to See in Washington, D.C.
The Cairo is one of the gems of Washington, D.C. and is an amazing building to see if you haven't had the chance to visit it. Here's a cool ad from 1906 for the building!
Washington Times pocket directory of apartments - 1914
Now This is Cool: Check Out the Washington Times Pocket Directory of Apartments from 1914
Take a look back in time and check out the Washington Times pocket directory of apartments from 1914. Some of the buildings are still around, so you can do your rent comparisons!
Cairo Flats circa 1890
An Incredible Look Back Through Time: An Old Photograph of the Cairo Building from the 1890s
An incredible look back through time – take a glimpse of the past with this old photograph of the Cairo Building from the 1890s. Discover the history of this incredible structure.
The Cairo Building
The Terrifying Tale of Albert Deal's 120-Foot Elevator Shaft Fall
This is the incredible story of Albert Deal, a Pennsylvania steamfitter who fell 120 feet down an elevator shaft at the Cairo Flats in 1894. Miraculously, he survived with only a sprained back! Find out the story behind this amazing tale.
Robert H. Muir's World War I Draft Registration Card (
The Anonymous Story of Robert Muir, the Cairo Hotel Manager from the 1910s
Discover the anonymous story of Robert Muir, the Cairo Hotel Manager from the 1910s. Learn about his life, marriage to Marie, and his tragic death in 1931.
Queen Liliuokalani, last royal ruler of Hawaii (1917)
Hawaiian ex-Queen Liliʻuokalani Comes to Washington
Hawaiian ex-Queen Liliʻuokalani brings her spirit of aloha to Washington, captivating hearts with her grace and resilience. A tale of royalty and cultural heritage unfolds.

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Ghosts of DC stories.