Posted In Richard Nixon

Who Was Involved in the Watergate Scandal?
Remember the names of those involved in the Watergate scandal? In August 1974, Richard Nixon resigned before being impeached.
Pres. Nixon w/ Sammy Davis, Jr., new member of Nat'l. Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity
Nixon and Davis Jr.: An Odd Couple United by the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity
In 1971, President Nixon granted Sammy Davis Jr. membership to the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity. An odd couple united by their beliefs in economic opportunity, the photo captures a poignant moment in history.
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Photo of Boyish Kennedy and Nixon
Discover a fascinating photo from 1947 featuring a very young John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon as peers during their time in the House of Representatives.
Richard Nixon's letter of resignation
The National Archives Uncovers Richard Nixon's Resignation Letter, Initialed by Henry Kissinger
The National Archives has uncovered a rare image of Richard Nixon's resignation letter, initialed by Henry Kissinger at 11:35 a.m. on August 9th, 1974. Check out the letter here!
Richard Nixon at the Washington Senators versus the New York Yankees baseball game on Opening Day. 4/6/69.
A Look Back at President Nixon at the Senators Opening Day Game in 1969
Take a look back at President Nixon at the Washington Senators versus the New York Yankees baseball game on Opening Day in 1969. See the fun color photograph and learn more about this moment in history.
Wahat to Wear in 1969 - Club Coat
What to Wear to the 1969 Inauguration: A Guide to Appropriate Attire
Get a glimpse into the past and learn what was considered appropriate attire for the 1969 inauguration of Richard Nixon. Learn more about the formal dress code and where to buy a "Club Coat" for the ceremony.
Gabon inauguration - James Brown
James Brown at Richard Nixon's Inauguration: Wait, What?
Believe it or not, James Brown, Godfather of Soul, performed at Richard Nixon's 1969 inauguration. Learn why he accepted the gig and how his relationship with Nixon changed over time.
Richard Nixon by Norman Rockwell in 1968
The Incredible Watergate Ad That Ran in the Washington Post on the Morning of President Nixon's 1969 Inauguration
Take a look at the incredible ad placed by the Watergate complex in the Washington Post on the day of President Nixon's 1969 inauguration. You can click the image to view a larger copy.
Richard and Patty Nixon in 1952
Senator Nixon Signs Discriminatory Restrictive Covenant
Richard Nixon, senator from California and Vice President of the United States once signed a restrictive covenant preventing African-Americans from buying his home in American University Park.
Richard Nixon
A Look Back at President Nixon During the Watergate Scandal
Take a look back at President Nixon during the Watergate scandal and see how the American Presidency was redefined. Watch the video and see the intimidating photo of Richard Nixon. Visit Ghosts of DC to learn more!

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