Posted In Dupont Circle

Connecticut and N St. NW
Exploring Washington, DC Before the Great Depression: A Look at 18th, N St. and Connecticut Ave. and 21st and Florida Ave.
Take a look back in time to explore Washington, DC before the Great Depression. See photos of 18th, N St. and Connecticut Ave. and 21st and Florida Ave. from 1929.
1919 map of Dupont and Farragut
Before the Mayflower: A Look at Dupont and Farragut Circa 1919
Take a step back in time and explore what south of Dupont Circle and Farragut looked like in 1919, before the Mayflower was built. See the historic map from the Library of Congress.
advertisement for The Toronto - 1920
Living Off Dupont Circle for $45/Month in 1920: The Toronto Story
Take a step back in time and learn the fascinating story of The Toronto, an apartment building in Dupont Circle offering rent for $45/month in 1920. Read the incredible story of its construction and collapse.
Blaine Mansion 1900
Exploring the History of Blaine Mansion in Dupont Circle and Pizzeria Paradiso
Explore the history of Blaine Mansion in Dupont Circle around 1900 and discover Pizzeria Paradiso, the go-to spot for great pizza and beer. Get all the details here!
Dupont Circle metro
A Rare Look at the Dupont Circle Metro Station - Vintage Photos of Washington, D.C.
Check out this rare vintage photo of the Dupont Circle Metro Station in Washington, D.C.! See what this station looked like in the past and explore the historical context of this iconic station.
real estate listings - December 17th, 1877
Exploring Real Estate from 1877: A Look at 1523 P St. & 911 L St.
Explore real estate from 1877 and how it has changed today! See how 1523 P St. and 911 L St. look today with our Google Street View and learn how much you'd need to pay to buy them now.
1708 Q St. NW
Unbelievable Offer: Get a Home in Washington, DC for Just $13,000
Check out this unbelievable offer from The Evening Star newspaper in 1906: a home for sale in Washington, DC for just $13,000! That same home is now worth over $1.4 million. Read the incredible story here.
Dupont Circle underpass construction
A Look at Dupont Circle Underpass Construction From DDOT Photos
Take a look at this amazing photo of Dupont Circle Underpass construction from DDOT Photos. Learn more about the history of the construction and find out what the area looks like today!
aerial view of Temple Heights in the early 1930s (Library of Congress)
Exploring the History of Temple Heights and Oak Lawn, North of Dupont Circle
Take a look back in time and explore the history of Temple Heights and Oak Lawn, located north of Dupont Circle in Washington DC. Learn about the past of this iconic area and discover how it has changed over the years.
Washington circa 1900. "Stewart's Castle, Dupont Circle." The William Morris Stewart house on Massachusetts Avenue, designed by Adolph Cluss, shortly before it was demolished. National Photo glass negative.
Remembering Stewart's Castle: A Tragic Loss in Washington's Architectural History
Discover the story of Stewart's Castle, a lost gem of Washington DC's architectural history. Learn about its design, famous residents, and ultimate demolition in 1901 in this post.

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