Posted In 1930s

President and Mrs. Wilson (March 20th, 1920)
Francis H. Robinson: The Man Behind the Wheel at the White House
Meet Francis H. Robinson, the long-time chauffeur at the White House who drove six presidents, countless kings and queens, and other dignitaries. Learn the history of the automobile at the White House, plus amusing anecdotes about each president's driving preference.
Walter Johnson in 1939
A Special Gift to the Big Train: Six Baseballs Autographed by Six Presidents
Walter Johnson's special gift to the National Baseball Museum at Cooperstown, New York was six baseballs autographed by six presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. With the exception of those autographed by Roosevelt and Hoover, the balls were thrown out at opening games during Johnson's tenure as star pitcher for the Washington Senators.
Discovering the Forgotten Ballston Skulls: A Semi-Pro Football Team of the 1930s
Discover the forgotten story of the Ballston Skulls, a semi-pro football team of the 1930s. We've dug up some history and searched for photos, but if you know of any, please let us know!
aerial view of Temple Heights in the early 1930s (Library of Congress)
Exploring the History of Temple Heights and Oak Lawn, North of Dupont Circle
Take a look back in time and explore the history of Temple Heights and Oak Lawn, located north of Dupont Circle in Washington DC. Learn about the past of this iconic area and discover how it has changed over the years.
Mad Hatter DC
A Look Back at the History of 1319 Connecticut Ave NW, Home of Mad Hatter
Take a look back at the history of 1319 Connecticut Ave NW in Dupont Circle, home of the Mad Hatter! We uncover the stories of Mrs. Cordley's antiques store, The Jenny Shoppe, Wig Fair and more.
Screenshot 2019-12-31 at 11.27
Awesome Old Apartment Listings For Rent
How much was rent in Washington, DC back in the 1960s? Take a look at these ads for $125 a month in Dupont Circle.
Madam's Organ by Day
If Walls Could Talk: Madam's Organ
Today, 2461 18th St. NW is one of the more popular late-night destinations in the rowdy Adams Morgan neighborhood. Far from it's days as a store where you could buy a crib.
construction of Memorial Bridge
A Look Back at the Construction of the Memorial Bridge in the 1930s
Take a look back at the construction of the Memorial Bridge in the early 1930s with this beautiful shot from the Library of Congress' Theodor Horydczak collection.
Truck Company Number Four, Firehouse, 219 M Street Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC
Unearthing a Firehouse from the 1930s or 1940s and Seeing it in Google Street View
We found an undated photo of a firehouse from the 1930s or 1940s at the Library of Congress. Discover the amazing fact that the firehouse is still there and take a look at the Google Street View of it.
Dupont Circle Building at 1346 Connecticut Ave. NW
A Look at the Dupont Circle Building from the Air in the 1930s
Take a look at the Dupont Circle Building from the air in the 1930s. See the iconic building, complete with Krispy Kreme and more, from a unique perspective.

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Ghosts of DC stories.