Posted In This Day in History

front page of the Washington Times - May 16th, 1912
Analysing the Washington Times of May 16th, 1912 - Roosevelt's Sure Nomination
Explore the Washington Times of May 16th, 1912, and the sure nomination of Theodore Roosevelt in the presidential election of 1912. Learn more about this historic event and the newspaper's coverage.
front page of the Washington Times - May 15th, 1912
Revisiting the Epic 1912 Presidential Election Between Taft and Roosevelt Through the Pages of the Washington Times
Get a glimpse into the epic 1912 presidential election between Taft and Roosevelt through the pages of the Washington Times from May 15th, 101 years ago. See the front and back page of the newspaper from that day.
front page of the Washington Times - May 14th, 1912
In the Paper: Washington Times - Evening Edition - May 14th, 1912
Take a step back in time and explore the May 14th, 1912 edition of the Washington Times with our "In the Paper" installment. View the front and back pages to gain insight into the events of 101 years ago.
front page of the Washington Times - May 13th, 1912
Relive the Past: View the Washington Times from May 13th, 1912
Take a trip back in time and view the front and back page of the Washington Times from the week of May 13th, 1912, exactly 101 years ago. Click on the images to see a larger version and read the paper.
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96 Year Anniversary of the Alexandria Gazette & Reintroduction of Portner's Beer
96 years ago yesterday, the Alexandria Gazette ran an ad for Portner's Beer. The descendants of Robert Portner are now reviving the brand as a brewhouse in Alexandria. Support the local beer scene and help Catherine and Margaret Portner with their Indiegogo campaign!
Washington Times - March 1st, 1913
100 Years Ago Today: Captain A.H. Rostron Awarded Congressional Medal at White House
100 years ago today, Captain A.H. Rostron was presented with a Congressional Medal in the East Room of the White House by President Taft for "acts of unusual heroism." Read our post to learn more about the award and the Titanic connection to President Taft.
advertisement for soldiers in the Daily National Republican on February 7th, 1863
150 Years Ago Today: An Advertisement for Soldiers Published in the Daily National Republican
150 years ago today, an advertisement for soldiers was published in the Daily National Republican. See the ad, plus an interesting warning notice about fraudulent tickets being sold!
Washington Times - November 2nd, 1906 - page 12
Exploring the Sports Page of the Washington Times on November 2nd, 1906
On Friday, November 2nd, 1906, explore the sports page of the Washington Times in this nostalgic look back into history. See what sports were popular over a century ago!
The Washington Times - October 31st, 1912 - page 8
Introducing the Ghosts of DC's 'In the Paper' Category: Our First Newspaper Page from 1912
Introducing the Ghosts of DC's new 'In the Paper' category. We kick it off with a newspaper page from 1912. See it in high resolution and join the community discussion below!
The New Hadleigh Apartments - August 9th, 1919 (Washington Times)
The Hadleigh Apartments: A Luxurious New Apartment Hotel in Washington, DC in 1919
In 1919, construction began on the luxurious Hadleigh Apartments in Washington, DC. Learn about the $2,000,000 building, the mortgage, and the major bus accident that happened nearby.

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Ghosts of DC stories.